Our Projects


Project 1. Publications
Homestead Newsletter
The Homestead newsletter is published yearly and distributed to all members. It normally contains approximately 40 pages that include historical data and photos. Copies are also available for purchase throughout the year.
Books and Pamphlets
A number of books and pamphlets are available for purchase including Newton County History Volume I, Newton County History Volume II, Lackey's History of Newton County, The New Ozark Cousins, etc.
Members are in the process of collecting data for one booklet concerning Newton County Sheriffs, another booklet for Home Remedies, and a third for Newton County Schools.

Project 2. Bradley House Museum
Inside the Bradley House there are rooms containing items such as a doctor's office, a kitchen with a wood cookstove, telephones including Jasper's switchboard, fossils and artifacts, and a variety of items from area businesses. We also have a room dedicated to our Veterans and a room depicting a one-room school house which often served as the location for the local church and the masonic lodge. A research room has been improved so that it's much easier to locate needed materials.
The recently acquired Reed Henderson wagon is now located under a newly constructed shed near the Chaney Log Cabin.
The Arkansas quilt block has been placed on the front of the Bradley House, and on the front of the Chaney Cabin, we have placed the Bear Paw quilt block. These are now part of the Arkansas Quilt Trail
An herb/vegetable garden is in the back yard and the grounds of the museum contain beautiful flowers, plants, and trees.
Both sides of the Chaney Log Cabin have recently been opened for viewing. Living quarters are on one side, and the other side contains the items from the barn/blacksmith shop.

Project 3. Collection of Local History​
We are always on the lookout for historical photos. If you can bring any that you have to the museum, we can scan or photograph your photograph while you wait so that it never leaves your possession.
Project 4. The Shindig-Ozark Living Expo​
Mission: To educate and connect local families through a community celebration of traditional arts, trades, and ways of living an Ozark lifestyle.
Vision: To be the living history museum of Newton County heritage providing a family-focused experiential interpretation of historical practices alongside a collection of active resources for today's curation of homestead-style living.